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Written Language Difficulties Workshop   
Speech Therapy University Clinic of the Catholic University of Valencia

Our school collaborates with the professionals of the Speech Therapy Clinic of the UCV who provide individualized support for students with learning disabilities in reading and/or writing. Families can request this service through the school's Guidance Counselor’s Office.

The services included are:

  • Assessment of reading and writing skills at the beginning and end of the school year.

  • Private therapy (normally two sessions per week).

  • Meetings with families and/or teachers coordinated by the Guidance Counselor’s office.

  • Preparation of a written report.

This service is offered from 12:45 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.



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The British Council is the United Kingdom's international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities. We have offices in over 100 countries on five continents, where we create international opportunities every day.

The most effective way for children and young people to learn English is in a fun, participative and inclusive environment. By integrating this philosophy we ensure that our students have a positive learning experience while improving their knowledge of the language. Children learn naturally and acquire basic skills that will help them to thrive in the future.

We guarantee the quality of our teaching thanks to the high-caliber professionals that make up our team. Our teachers all possess internationally recognised certifications and at least two years of teaching experience. In addition, many obtain specialized certifications in youth and early childhood education. They are required to obtain continuing education credits on an ongoing basis.



Learning English at school is both efficient and convenient. These courses take place outside school hours in the afternoon, and provide all the advantages of tutoring without having to move from school.

WIth our courses we aim to make the most of the developmental flexibility that children possess during Kindergarten and Primary. These classes also serve to reinforce English language knowledge for students in Secondary and Bachillerato-Sixth Form.

Among the general objectives of the course is to raise awareness and familiarize children with a foreign language by stimulating the desire to play and learn in English. In promoting the active participation of children in the classroom in a creative way through fun stories, activities and dynamic and stimulating games we invoke an unconscious, direct and natural handling of the language. Learning through play also builds upon observation, self-learning, and memory skills.

The goal of our course is to improve oral communication through fun and rewarding activities. We would like to create an environment in which the students can actually see their progress in listening, reading, speaking and writing.

This age-appropriate curriculum, focused on conversation skills and subjects relevant to the world of children and teenagers, make language programmes effective and enjoyable.

It should be noted we also prepare our students for the different exams of the University of Cambridge, according to levels.



Children always go to bed thinking about how many things they would like to do first thing tomorrow morning, and in most cases they have routines to start the day. Breakfast is the most important and expected meal of the day, then children often get ready, put on their clothes and pack their school bag.

Once ready the journey to school begins. Whether they are walking or driving, children are brought to school by their parents where they start “Bon Matí”. The “Bon Matí” early morning programme begins with  Kindergarten and goes until 6th of Primary.

During this early morning programme the children can  participate in many different dynamic activities such as watching videos, playing games, doing crafts and practicing reading. The program is made for early risers whose parents work early in the morning. 

At “Bon Matí” the students can day off well, keep up with their commitments, and prepare for a productive day.


In addition to “Bon Matí”, our school offers an alternative programme for families during the months of September and June. During these two months school ends at one due to the summer schedule. 

The school provides an opportunity for students to stay longer hours during this time until 5:00 p.m. 

This programme starts at 3:00 p.m. and ends at 5:00 p.m. During these hours students can decide whether they would like to do homework and other school activities or play games with others. All of the students will be supervised by monitors.